
"Dream together, go hand in hand together" highlights the annual celebration of Guoliang company.

Dream together, sail together
When the years roll silently
When the sun kindled the flame of life
Guoliang company has gone through another extraordinary year.
This is a year of cohesion and innovation.
This is a year in pursuit of excellence and win-win development.
This is a year of wonderful writing and history. New year, pregnant with new goals and hopes.
In February 6, 2018, the grand ceremony of the annual conference of Tangshan City Guoliang Special Refractories Co., Ltd. was solemnly opened.
1. Wonderful replay of the conference
The 10-minute "Glory, Glory, Growing-up 2017" publicity video will show the retrospect of the year 2017 just passed and bring the conference to the theme.
Two, leaders' speech
Speech by deputy chief executive Wang Yi Long
Speech by executive vice president Liu Baosheng
Speech by Chairman and general manager Dong Guoliang
In his speech, Mr. Dong began with eight "this year" paragraphs, with clear layers and prominent emphasis. He comprehensively reviewed the development of Guoliang Company in the past year.
Dong said: In the past 2017, we have withstood the test of "environmental storm control", withstood the pressure of soaring prices of raw materials and fuel, overcome the extremely unstable supply of electricity and gas and other factors, and worked closely around the overall idea of "stable quality, quality, cost control, safety, environmental protection and innovation" Always maintain the strategic calm of "flying clouds and flying away". Under the unity and cohesion of all cadres and staff, we have achieved considerable business performance and created a new situation of stable, progressive, stable and improved production and management.
Mr. Dong pointed out that in the past year, we have gathered the positive energy of the company, done as we said and done as we said. We have not deviated from the theme of "cohesion, innovation and win-win development" throughout the year. We have not failed to live up to the ardent hopes of the vast number of users, partners and all sectors of society, nor have we failed to live up to the ardent expectations of all staff!
For the work in 2018, General Dong put forward eight requirements in terms of standardization, innovation, talent introduction, and upgrading the level of equipment. The trumpet of the new journey has been sounded. Let's reorganize and set out again. Let's sail together in a dream-making journey. Let's turn "Four Management, Five Promotions" into real strength, pour tomorrow's hope with today's efforts and face 2018 with high spirit and vigorous attitude. Dong Zong was filled with enthusiastic speeches and won thunderous applause from the audience.
Three, awards ceremony
Deputy chief executive Sheng Gao Xia presided over the meeting.
Sheng Gaoxia pointed out that 2017 is of great significance to Guoliang Company. It is a year of pain and growth, and a year of perseverance in cultivation and harvest. Today, we stand at a new starting point in history, let us take this meeting as an opportunity to take the spirit of General Dong's speech as a guide, do not forget the original intention, really do hard work, cast a new brilliant Guoliang!
After the end of the meeting, participants watched the video of national Liang's 2018 Spring Festival.
Four, welcome the new spring "the light of the country" literary and artistic performance.
Employee's opening dance "New Year's martial arts"
Dance "C mile C"
Dance "the beauty of big girl"
The song is love.
Dance "song of play"
Solo "green flowers in camp"
Musical sketch "double spring"
Er Ren Huan "Xiao Xin Xi"
Dance, "where is daddy going?"
The host and the staff of the meeting
Five, Guoliang love fund launching ceremony
Compared with previous years, this annual meeting highlights innovation from many aspects, not only to make an objective and comprehensive review, but also to clearly describe the future; not only to give everyone laughter, but also to bring colleagues closer to each other. The climax of the annual meeting highlights the confidence of Guoliang people in the future and the joy and harmony of Guoliang company.
The glorious 2017 has passed, and 2018 of hopes and challenges have arrived. In the past year, we have smiled, hardships and gained. In the face of 2018, we dream together, with confidence and courage, join hands, sail, to write a more brilliant future!




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